Student Welfare

Student Welfare

The welfare of students at Emmaus Christian School Canberra is a paramount responsibility and privilege of the school as it partners with parents in the education of their children.
Welfare encompasses the whole of a student’s well-being and healthy development. It therefore includes nurturing, building and encouraging; protection from harm and also training, direction and correction.

Student welfare is built into everything that happens in the school to meet the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, social and learning needs of students. The school partners with parents, the school and wider community, in strategies which are preventive and proactive in caring for students; and responsive in identifying welfare needs and determining best actions.

A Restorative Practices approach is used to follow up issues at the request of teachers, parents, caregivers and students.
Should a student be involved in behavioural and relationship challenges, Wellbeing Coordinator works with them to achieve successful outcomes.

Emmaus has a Wellbeing Coordinator, Wellbeing Staff and a Psychologist on staff.

Students in the lab